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Preparation for a non-financial options appraisal for bedded rehabilitation
Posted or Updated on 23 Dec 2019
At a recent meeting of the stroke Patient and Public Advisory Group the members worked to coproduce a set of desirable criteria and the process to be used to assess the options for bedded rehabilitation. The group also confirmed their support for the preferred option for acute and hyper acute stroke services to be centralised at University Hospital, Coventry.
The assessment criteria coproduced by the group and subsequently tested at further public engagement events in Autumn 2018 were:
- Services should be equitable, consistent and always available
- Services should focus on the best possible outcomes and recover
- Services should be personalised with a package of care that is right for each individual patient
- We should create an environment where experiences, knowledge and information can be shared to benefit stroke survivors and their carers
- Professional who are delivering services should understand the stroke patients' feelings and the consequences of having a stroke
- All stroke services should work together with a smooth transition at all points in the stroke patients’ care.
At the public and patient engagement events in Autumn 2018 the preferred option for stroke acute and hyper Acute Services was also revisited, as well as discuss the options for stroke rehabilitation. The findings from these engagement events then fed into a formal public and stakeholder options appraisal event for bedded stroke rehabilitation services.
To ensure a mix of people offering a range of perspectives attended the meeting, invitations were mapped against the recognised nine protected characteristics and the integrated impact assessment. More than 40 people attended, including staff members who will be involved in delivering a future improved service. They were asked to score each of the desirable criteria out of 10 against both options. There was overwhelming support for the option of one bedded rehabilitation unit at Leamington Spa Hospital and one at George Eliot Hospital. This will be taken into consideration as part of an ongoing process to confirm the options for bedded rehabilitation before going out to public consultation.